I had my baby at the beginning of the quarantine. Everything went smoothly. It got a little lonely because we couldn’t have many quests. Once we got home and life started going back to normal it was a bit hard on me. My oldest wasn’t in school because school was shut down, I was still healing and dealing with the new baby. We didn’t leave the house for about a month at least. I wouldn’t wish this on any new mom! From my experience it made me feel somewhat trapped and lonely. I wanted to take my babies out of the house and have fun but we couldn’t even do that.  I found myself thinking about other mothers I my shoes, wondering how they felt, what they were doing, and how they were coping. My family who is usually my greatest support couldn’t even be with me and my new baby. I felt like I wanted to cry many days. I worked to look happy for my older son and my fiancé and his family, but I was really just so sad. I begin telling myself I have to do something, move around, get some air. We started to take walks every day, and I began video calls with my siblings and parents more. This helped.  This has been the most challenging pregnancy of my life only to end with a new set of challenges!

This entire year has taught me that my mental health is not going to be handed to me, it’s going to be earned with all the other things I want in life…